Hurricane Sandy
It has been a few weeks since the dreaded Hurricane Sandy. Even though it is over people are still struggling kids watched their parents die because of it. They couldn't do anything about it this is the sad reality. I only lost power some people lost their lives Sandy hurt us as a community. We have to help you can donate money or help at a soup kitchen whatever you can do just try and help. Most people are just sitting and enjoying their day some people are starving out there in need of help.
I know that schools everywhere are raising awareness of Hurricane Sandy and are doing there best to help out. They are donating food for people who need it. But they can't do everything by themselves we have to help. If you know anyone who is suffering help out do anything you can do to help. I'm not saying to donate everything you have even just a dollar would be good. Not even just money you can donate food. Now you have two choices forget about what you read and leave it alone or help your choice.
It is really nice and generous of you to do a post about Hurricane Sandy and informing everyone that people got hit with the storm very badly.